
The Struggle Was Real

Very stressfull!

The rails_admin gem

For my Rails project I created a website that a uer can create an account and plan a trip for Strong Missions. The user can edit their profile, update a trip they have created or destroy it. The user can only see their own planned trips, but the Admin can see everyones planned trip in the Admin Panel.

The Sinatra Project

I love it. Sinatra is a really fun time for me especially because it can use HTML and CSS, which is my favorite thing to do. My project allows users to write a review on video games they have played and post them to a game reviews page. On this page they are able to see other reviews by other users. The user will also have the ability to edit or delete their reviews. Click Me to see my demo.

The CLI Project

Sunday night I looked at the the first project, CLI Data Gem Portfolio Project, and I started to freak out because I had no idea where to begin and what to do the project on. What really helped me get out of this hole was the CLI Gem Walkthrough video which guided me through on what I needed to know.

Why Software Development?

I have always been interested in coding ever since I got my first computer that I could remember. I started off playing a lot of videogames and I would always go into the files and add a mod or script. Writing code has always been an interest to me but I saw it as a small hobby, I knew the basics of how to do it but I didn’t want to always do it. My first job was in junior year of high school where my friends parents offered me a job to work as their part time web editor. There I was fully immersed into HTML. I had no idea what I was doing at first and then I started to pick up on it quickly by googling certain things. I would run out of things to do, so I would get really bored and that is when I started to lose interest in coding.